Wisdom: Samhain is the time that celebrates Death and the veils of the World parting to allow for more communication between the Seen and the Unseen. It is the final Solar Holy Day in the Solar Year. it is the ending of the Year while also being celebrated as the beginning of the New Year (in Celtic traditions).
Samhain ushers in the Darkest part of the Year and from this energy, the mists between the physical and spirit worlds become quite thin. Life and Death merge. Dark Goddesses reveal themselves and invite you to travel to the Otherworld to release, learn, and/or die. Through this experience, you are offered revelation and a remembrance of Self. Ancestors and their wisdom are present, extending their hands out for communication and embrace.
When using the Samhain Essence, you will be guided to the Otherworld. The Otherworld encompasses the Underworld and the Upperworld, where teachers, spirits, and angels reside. It is all that exists in the Web of Life, just beyond the weave you can usually see. You might have great understandings of your subconscious and psyche, insight on your past and present patterns, and of course communication with unseen realms. It is an Essence that contains much Magik, Mystery, and Medicine.
Experience: Shake before using. Enjoy 3 drops 3 times each day sublingually to embody the energies of that High Holy Day. You may also take 3 drops sublingually during that specific High Holy Day to amplify your experience and understanding when in ceremony.
Ingredients: Vibrational essence of Samhain, Solarized & Lunar Water, 20% Brandy
Suggested Use: Take 1 drop to assist shamanic journeying or 1 drop with ritual
Size: 0.5 oz (14.7ml)